Saturday, April 9, 2022

Tales of Covid 19 - Middle Aged Men on Scooters in Key West

A couple of months ago my broker and I drove to look at a potential listing. We left the parking lot behind our office at the same time. I got there in less than four minutes.She arrived about five minutes later. She said she saw someone she knew across the street and decided to drive around the block so she would not be seen going inside our potential listing. It is a known fact if you see a realtor going inside a house something is about to happen. 

Last week I was headed to my office when I noticed real estate photographer Nick Doll taking photos of house on Reynolds Street. An agent in my office sold that house less than a year ago. I knew in an instant the place was going to be for sale soon. It was. It appeared in the Key West MLS the next day.

One of the things that surprised me so much about the pandemic was that people could recognize me even though I was wearing a mask. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. How did they do that? I am coming to m point - soon.

Key West is a very small town. No matter where you go or at what time you are bound to be seen by someone who knows you. If you are a star that can feed you ego. If you are a middle aged man cheating on your wife, it's probably not so good. 

A former customer of mine called me to discuss listing his house. He and the wife had done an admirable job in fixing up an already nice home. We wee standing in the living room discussing the house when he started to tremble and blubber at which time he confessed he had been cheating on his wife and that his marriage was in ruins. 

I don't know how he did it, but he saved the marriage, bought a new place, and lived happily ever after. Except one day I was taking photos for my blog when I saw him exiting Lowe's Lane on his scooter with a woman (not his wife) clutching his ripped middle aged torso (he wished). 

I remember another time I had to shut down an open house I was hosting on Nassau Lane a bit early so that I could meet potential buyers at a nearby house that just came on the market. My buyers spent about an hour looking at the other house. Later I walked back to my car which was parked near Nassau Lane when I saw another former customer exiting Nassau Lane with a woman (not his wife) clutching his rippled torso (he wished). He averted his eyes and tore off!!! 

There is no end to this story. Middle aged me on scooters are dangerous. Especially in small towns like Key West Florida on days when the wives are not home. 


  1. Been there done that. Met a friend of a friend who was staying at a well known transient rental location. Her and I hit it off instantly, next thing you know meetings, text messages, etc. She was a medical professional from a northern state. She was married, as was I.
    She was a “screamer” so to speak, and our unraveling was her numerous screams and moans, in which neighbors called the police. At one point I put her underwear in her mouth to quiet her excitement.
    House sold, on to next Key West adventure….

  2. I wanna party with you

  3. Dear anon,
    A. Please be advised that I am one of those older gay men who recruits young straight men into the gay lifestyle. If you are older than 30 take a hike.
    B. If you are a female, see answer A.

  4. That first posts should be part of the first annual "blog posts of key west"....pure excellence!!
