I received an email this morning from Guillermo Orozco my friend and Key West residential designer that referred me to an article in Coastal Living Magazine. CLICK HERE to read the article. The article is only a couple of paragraphs long. Read it.
The house is located on a quiet little lane off Fleming Street. You'd miss it if you were not looking for it. In another blog CLICK HERE I wrote about the joys of living on one of Key West's lanes. And even though I did not talk to Guillermo about the owners (and I do not know them) I have a pretty good idea why they chose this particular house and location. I think it was the seclusion and quietness of the location.
The owners hired Guillermo to re-design the home and gardens and enlisted New York interior designer Zina Glazebrook to help. Guillermo added special touches such as the outdoor shower and poolside bath and laundry that are unique to Key West. And he designed the custom made kitchen cabinets and created the inviting master bath shown in the article.
The above pics show two shots of the home and pool areas. More photos are found in the article.
If you are looking for a place to get away from the noise of New York (or anywhere else), CLICK HERE to checkout all of the residential properties currently for sale in the Key West area. And please give me a call if you see something that interests you. 1-305-766-2642.