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Showing posts with label money grubbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money grubbers. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2018

Real Estate Bug Infestation in Key West

We've got a real estate bug infestation in Key Wes - a really big one if you ask me. Ask some other agent and you may get a different response. But I will bet you most agents are dealing with the same creepy issues as I am.  Whether an agent represents a buyer or a seller, there are two real estate critters we all have to deal with, especially in Key West where the prices of houses is so dang high. For the un-initiated a no-see-um is a tiny little critter that appears out of nowhere just around sunset. It only bites certain folks. There is no real protection other than staying inside and hiding until it is dark. These critters are real and they hurt.

Another bug, found across the world but with increasing frequency in Key West, is the money grubber. These sick little suckers are about two to three inches long, but puff themselves up so much they may appear bigger and more impressive than they actually are. They are very fond of paper money as that is what they crave more than anything, but in this day of bit coins and internet currency, they have have evolved into seekers and suckers of another form of cellulose - houses. The house itself does not have to be a mansion to satisfy this tiny creature, as they will covet their little two inches as if it is the best two inches in the world. And if they have three inches, they are even more avaricious, tenacious, and sometimes ferocious. Some have the ability to utter words and become quite vociferous and yell out "Mine! Mine" or "More! More" when a Realtor gives them a bid to give up their two inches so he can sell the house to which the money grubber is so attached. Little creatures with only two inches can fend off just about any larger creature because when they stick their little pincers into the wood, nobody else can take it away u less the money grubber is willing to cede it.

The fate of money grubbers is often predictable, especially in Key West. That's because a lot of folks from up north come to Key West in winter and spring to escape the cold and dreariness of the northeast and Midwest are only here for a limited time. Some of these folks find houses they would like to purchase as a second home. They work with a Realtor to find just the right place. Some buyers are able to put a deal together fairly easily, especially if the agent does not have to deal with a money grubber. Because house prices have increased so much, there are now more and more money grubbers to contend with. Money grubbers usually won't move an inch because, like politicians, they  feel if you give an inch, you've given up the game. They often prefer to go into hibernation and appear in winter the following year hoping to lure another buyer seeking their two inches. 

The house goes unsold, perhaps for years, or until the money grubber dies and its larva inherits the two inches.  It's a well recognized fact the money grubber progeny willingly give up the withered old old two inches for bit coins, internet moo-la, or real paper dollars as soon as they are given the chance. They can find their own two inches. 

The no-see-ums are victims of the money grubbers as well. They don't get the chance to sneak up and feast upon the ankles of buyers because the two inches money grubber controlled never saw the light of day. The no-see-ums continue to hover at ground zero waiting for prices to drop. They often wait and wait and wait. Or the owner drops the price but not enough or too late.  As selling season winds down (which has begun in earnest now in Key West) the asking prices on more and more houses are being reduced. Sellers are recognizing that they may not sell unless they reduce the asking price. At the same time potential buyers are being replaced by college kids and spring break families descending on the Florida Keys in search of fun. In May the Europeans and cheap Floridians will flock to the Keys to enjoy life here at half the price. And they are not buyers. And they don't care about some money grubber's little two inches.

That's my story about the state of our real estate market right now: we are infested with too may money grubbers and not enough deals.  


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