Saturday, December 29, 2018

Key West Properties Blog Twitter Account

I started the Key West Properties BLOG eleven years ago this week. I didn't really know what a blog was or what I would do with it. As it turned out, I somehow created an internet connection between myself and potential buyers of houses in Key West who are located all over the place.

Along the way some other real estate agents got upset with the sales I was making. Rules were made that required me to get permission from a listing real estate agent before I could write a blog about a property.  That dampened things a bit, but I followed the rules.

Some real estate agents still will not let me write about their properties. That is their prerogative. But I recently realized I am legally able to TWEET about listings.  And that is why I set up a new TWITTER account which I request you click in the USEFUL LINKS corner or CLICK HERE to go to Twitter and then follow me.

I am on the Key West MLS all day long.  I am always looking for deals and learning when prices are reduced, properties go under contract, and what got sold and for how much.  I can now share that info with my dear readers and Twitter followers. I won't tweet every little thing.  But I will let readers and followers know about interesting new listings etcetera.

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