Sunday, December 30, 2018

11 Nassau Lane, Key West - Open House Sunday

Look carefully at the newspaper Avery is holding next to his seersucker jammies.  It is the Key West Citizen of course. Avery and Lillie are Key West locals who do what so many locals do - they go to Sunday Open Houses to see what is for sale and compare what they have to what someone is trying to sell. I see them often at open houses that I host.
I sent in an ad to appear in the Sunday Key West Citizen before noon on Friday only to get an email advising me I missed the cutoff deadline. So the ad I intended to run will not be in the paper.  Instead, look to INSTAGRAM and TWITTER for reminders of the Open House at 11 Nassau Lane in Old Town Key West.  
Greet each morning from your treehouse view of the orchid garden at 11 Nassau Lane located near the end on one of the slowest lanes in Old Town Key West. Don't blink or you'll miss the turn off of Fleming Street between Grinnell and Frances Streets. Better yet, walk.  It does a body good.

Enchanting two bedroom two bath cottage offered at $899,000.  Open Sunday December 30th

11 Nassau Lane
Open House
12:00 to 2:00 PM

Let's prove the Key West Citizen obsolete - come to my Open House! Look for Avery.  

Remember to follow me on TWITTER CLICK HERE for real estate deals that I may not blog about.

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