Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year - 2019

Thank all of my loyal readers who have followed my blog. I really appreciate it and I sincerely appreciate the people who contacted me and bought a house or two or more from me.

I just closed my sixth transaction with one client. That means so much in this business where some people are just transactional and look to find the best deal for them as opposed to people who stick with an agent and do all deals with him or her.  
At my most recent open house one "looker" expressed concern about all the open houses that were up for viewing last Sunday. That person was fearful as to something being amiss in Key West.  Not the case, I said. Key West is full of people.  Hotel rooms are going for $800 per night. It's crazy!  Now is the best time to sell.  Realtors were out in force trying to find a buyer for their listings. That is why there were so many open houses.

I do think there is something remarkably wrong in Key West, however. I wrote about all the empty store fronts a couple of months ago. They are still empty.  The owners of these buildings are seeking outrageous lease fees. This has been the case for years so my objections won't have any impact on what these landlords do. But I think they are hurting our economy.  They make it more and more difficult for a person wanting to sell something to actually do so and to make enough money to stay in business. 

Finally, today in my 72nd birthday. I feel really old. But then not so old. I am not as old as my grandmother was when she was my age.  We live our lives better now in so many respects. I am not as narrow minded as she was.  I never was. I have always been a genuine doubting Thomas. Even as a wee lad I questioned my grandmother as to why I should be reborn. I strongly confronted her statement that I was a sinner. At age six or seven how could I have been a sinner?  Ridiculous.

I have lived through 13 presidencies. This current one is a doozy. We will get through it okay. Of that I am sure. This is America and we endure. My parents lived through the Great Depression. I made it thru the turbulent late 1960s and Watergate.  I changed my life and moved to Key West and found a place and lifestyle that I love. And I love working with folks like you who dream of finding the kind of place in life that I found. Houses are a part of what we seek.  The other part is the place. Dream!

Follow me on TWITTER for new deals and updates on listings.


  1. Happy Birthday, Gary! As one of your returning clients, I am grateful for your expertise, hard work and responsivity. Here’s to a great 2019!

  2. belated happy birthday gary! many more to come for sure!
