Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve Showing - 2009

Nine years ago today I met some new clients for the very first time. I picked them up at the Marquesa Hotel and we headed toward our first of several showings. I remember that day for three reasons. First, it was cloudy and drizzly - something not normal in Key West. Second, it was after all New Year's Eve day and town was extremely busy as people were out and about everywhere despite the dampness. Third, my lady customer got injured.

We had just finished looking at an expensive home in Old Town which was listed by one of our "star" listing agents. We headed out the front door. My customer started down the steps and slipped and fell and landed on her behind. The listing agent was unconcerned and said something like "You should have been more careful!" implying what happened was her fault instead of expressing any concern as to whether she was injured.

She got up, dusted herself off so to speak, and got in my car where we headed off to the next property. Inside the car she announced she did not like the other agent. The good thing was she was not seriously injured and the couple ended up buying a house in Old Town from me.

A couple of years later the house next door to the one the couple bought came on the market. I called my lady up and convinced her to buy it sight unseen.  She did. (It was a short sale and one of those incredible bargains that happened a few years ago.)

A year of two later my lady customer was in town and invited me to dinner at the Cafe Marquesa. We discussed the market, life, her two houses, and the other agent who she sneered at as I mentioned his name. She still hated him.

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