Wednesday, August 4, 2021

630 Caroline Street, Key West - Not For Sale

I was taking photos for my blog a couple of days ago and passed by 630 Caroline Street, Key West. It was listed for sale a couple of years ago but did not sell and it is not for sale now. I think it is an interesting property and will sell when it is once again offered. The property records show this house as being a 2/2 with 1,176 square feet of living space (including second floor) situated on a 1,774 square foot lot (32.5 X 55') at the corner of Caroline and Elizabeth Street.

I dug down into my old shoebox and found the 1965 photo of the house with a tree in front. The City of Key West recently completed the multi-year restoration of the seaport which now wraps the waterfront to the west to the Truman Annex Park. The rebuilding of the seaport infrastructure not only revitalized businesses in that area, but also spurred the restoration of many of the original homes in the area. The house at 630 Caroline Street is one of the few remaining historic homes that have not been restored or renovated.

I searched the Historic Sanborn Fire Maps and found 630 Caroline Street existed as early as 1889 when it was identified as a "dwelling" at 336 Caroline. The 1889 map shows the house then had a covered front porch and an addition at the rear. The stone veneer is fake and was probably added in the 1950s and certainly before the 1965 photo was taken. Jalousie windows were probably added at the same time. They are definitely not original to this house. The front and rear dormers were likely not original either. The rear addition is much smaller than the addition shown on the Sanborn maps

As I walked back to my car I noticed the fake brick (manufactured in Key West and known here as Indian Stone) was falling off the exterior wall. The close up shot shows the original exterior featured Novelty siding. That type of siding is still visible on the rear shed addition. I look forward to the day when the fake stone, jalousie windows, and air conditioners are removed and this little house is restored. It will happen. Not sure when. But it will.

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