Friday, August 6, 2021

House Building


Opening Montage - 1895 brick Victorian situated by a lake in upstate New York.

Interior - owner speaks:

I love my house.

Everybody does.

It was built in 1895 and still has most of the original roof.

The wallpaper in the dining room is original too.

So's a lot of the original woodwork.

You'd have to be a fool to change it.

I hope you appreciate detail.

The marble fireplace is hand carved.

The main stairs have a very gentle rise.

Everyone comments how easy it is to climb them.

I like to fill it with my friends.

Over the years we've become more like a family.

It makes me happy to have us all together in our home,

Mine and Bobby's.

They don't build house like this anymore.

The Golden Age of American House-building.

Not architecture mind you House-building.

This house was meant to stand.

Make yourself at home.

Love!, Valour!, Compassion! by Terrance McNally author, seasonal resident and home owner in Key West.

I watched the 1997 movie version of Love! Valour! Compassion! last night and played and replayed the opening monologue too many times. The words rang so true to me especially "They don't build houses like this anymore." That is the attraction of Key West its houses. They don't build houses like this anymore. The fact they were built in Paradise makes extra special.


1 comment:

  1. Terrence McNally passed away in March 2020.
