Saturday, January 23, 2021

Fran Lebowitz Explains It All

I knew" the name Fran Lebowitz but really don't know that much about her. All that changed when I began to watch Pretend It's a City on NETFLIX. It is worth watching. I had to stop in the middle of the fourth episode to begin to write this blog.

Fran explained why writers cannot get mortgages.

She was talking to her Merrill Lynch financial advisor about getting a mortgage to buy an apartment in New York City.

Advisor: "May I ask you a question?"

Fran: "May you ask me a question?" she thought - You’ve been looking at my tax returns for the last five minutes. You’re my sock drawer. You know more about me than I do. "Yes, you may ask me a question."

Advisor: "Why is your income so erratic?"

Fran: And I said well, I’m a writer. She said “A writer?" Scoffs. And that’s why you never get a loan if you’re a writer.

I have a writer customer with the same erratic income problem. He went through mortgage broker hell but eventually got two mortgages to buy a house and later an investment  property in Key West.

Watch Martin Scorsese's Pretend It's a City on NETFLIX. Totally entertaining. 


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