Friday, January 22, 2021

My 2020 Sales in Key West


I have considered myself as a buyers agent for most of my real estate career. This year my sales were divided equally between listing and selling agent. These are my solds for 2020.

1003 Seminary Street

Sold for $591,600

Ninth sale with this customer


 527 Fleming Street

Sold for $2,400,000

Fifth sale for this customer

744 Windsor Lane

Sold for $4.700,000

Sixth sale for this customer


619 Virginia Street

Sold for $863.000

Sixth sale for this customer


1213 Grinnell Street

Sold for $1,075,000

Fifth sale for this customer


 912 Fleming Street

Sold for $2,060,000

Third sale for this customer


265 Golf Club Drive 

Sold for $789,000

Second Sale for this customer

1116 Seminary Street

Sold for $1,075,000

Third sale for this customer

 1120 Johnson Street

Sold for $2,645,000

Second sale for this customer

I am so blessed to have faithful and returning customers. I would have starved otherwise. 








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