Tuesday, April 27, 2021

719 Petronia Street, Key West - GONE

One of the many things that makes Key West so much different than other small towns across America is the fact that we have so many of our original houses still in place. On my first trip to Key West I did what most tourists do, I looked around at the old houses and noticed many were in a deplorable state of repair or disrepair. I remember the houseboy at the guest house telling us that old houses were protected and could not be torn down - they could only be rebuilt. I thought that was a waste of money. I thought new could be made to look old, but function like new. I know I am still right on that part. But over the years I have come to appreciate the old house more than I ever imagined. 

The little house at 719 Petronia Street (also known as719 Petronia Lane and also 719 Poorhouse Lane) is/was located at the corner of Poorhouse Lane and Petronia Lane.


If you are a longtime reader of my blog you know I have written several blogs about houses shown on the 1912 Sanborn Fire Map above. I added some graphics to give this old map modern day reference points. Petronia Lane later became Poorhouse Lane.  Earlier editions of the maps did not even show the exist of defined "lane" or "street". The map shows a large building that no longer exists. I think this may have been the actual poor house for which the lane got its name. That lot is now a public parking area and is located across the street from the newly refurbished Bill Butler Park.

Around 9:00 AM on April 26, 2021 a crane arrived at 719 Petronia Lane and started pecking away at the bones of the old house. I returned around 6:30 PM/ The house that stood at that spot during three centuries was gone.



  1. So much for leaving a facade of original house and new build from there. So many structures in same deplorable condition, but must be rebuilt with portion still standing. Historical Architectural Review Commission (HARC) has outlived its usefulness. Poor uneducated buyers have to jump through hoops, spend like mad, and try to replicate the “historic look”. Small town city with high priced builders, architects, and buyers money. This city does suck at times. It’s all about the Benjamin’s!


  2. Wednesday. I went back to the property this morning. A city worker was sitting in his truck. I asked him what was going to happen with the property.He said the owners are going to build a new house there. The lot looks so much larger once it was cleared. The lot measures 40' X 75'. We will see what happens.
