Thursday, April 29, 2021

Nanny Cams in Key West

The first time I encountered a Nanny cam was ten years ago. I remember seeing various cameras throughout the house. I "knew" the owners socially.  They bought the house when it was a bank owned property and the renovated it. They furnished the place and rented it as a monthly vacation rental. As I looked around the house I thought it very odd that there were Nanny cams located everywhere. I immediately determined that I would feel violated if I rented a house like this and knew that someone could be watching and or listening to what I did and said. I did not sell that house so my personal suspicions ended that day. Except I remembered them ten years later. In fact I recall them ever so often as I see new versions of hidden cams on television photographing home invasions, thefts, child abuse, senior abuse, dog antics, and more.

Some readers may know that Key West has a lot of seasonal owners. Some people call them snow birds. Many arrive in late October or early November and stay until the end of April or May. A couple of years ago I was showing the house of a snowbird to prospective buyers. The house as quite impressive. Grand in fact. Maybe even over-the-top. I trailed my customers as they went from room to room, floor by floor. I kept noticing cameras everywhere. At the same time I was befuddled by the some of the design elements in the house. It looked like some mad queen from Hollywood played a trick on the owner and got him to do some very gay things. While my customers were looking around on the second floor I asked the listing agent it the seller was "gay". He got a look of horror on his face and said NO. And no thanks for asking. Later I asked other people about that owner. They all told me he was married to a woman as if that is proof of something. I still had my suspicions. But thinking back on the moment I asked the gay question, I wondered if the microphone was engaged. Did the owner hear my inquiry?

I have been seeing more Nanny cams in houses in Key West. I can usually spot them. I don't blame owners wanting to keep an eye on their place. Before I decided to write today's blog I did a quick Google to see if spy cams and recordings are legal in Florida. Cameras may be as long as notice is given. I am not so sure that audio recordings are. I think I taught my self a lesson when I questioned the challenged the style of that homeowners haven. From now on I am keeping my mouth shut and will advise the potential buyer to do so as well. And if I were to represent a seller with such a system, I would suggest they purposefully never watch or listen to someone viewing their home with a Realtor. Hearing what someone has to say about your drapes or lawn is not worth the cost of a lawsuit.


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