Friday, April 30, 2021

True Key West Real Estate Related Stories in the Time of Covid-19 - The Eyes Have It

The above photo is from the internet and was not taken in Key West - you can tell that by the trees in the background. Nor is the broken fence typical of a white picket fence one would see in Key West. 

Late yesterday afternoon I received a telephone call from a customer of mine. We discussed the Key West real estate market in general and the state of affairs on his street in particular. He mentioned a new neighbor bought a nearby house who has been making an upgrading an already beautiful home into an even better one. That goes on all the time here. Some people buy perfectly fine homes, take them a part, and remake them in their own image. 

And then he mentioned his neighbor Lacy. He said Lacy has a driving problem - she keeps driving her car into his fence. He opined Lacy's driving problem may be related to her drinking problem. He hesitated to lay total blame on the booze, however. He suggested that Lacy's vision problem may be  affected by all of the plastic surgery she has had - maybe she could not see because of all the sutures.

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