Thursday, February 17, 2022

Key West Real Estate Thowback Thursday No 39

from 1-30-2014

1012 Fleming Street, Key West - Investment Property

But updated today

I watched the Goldie Hawn move CrissCross couple of days ago and remembered that I referenced it in a blog post. I am copying that part immediately below and added new comments below that.

The charming five unit apartment building located at 1012 Fleming Street in Key West was just listed by Preferred Properties Key West. That is where I work, but this is not my listing. The listing agent describes this particularly well located property this way:
"Conch House Multi Unit in a great location on Fleming across from the Eden House Hotel. 4 Rental Units and an owners unit all with their own utility meters. Great opportunity for a buyer who likes the income aspect while enjoying his owners unit."
 I checked the Sanborn Fire Maps for Key West to determine when this building was built. I was surprised to see that it was constructed after the 1889 map and before the 1912 when it appeared on the same lot as 1010 Fleming street. The two properties share a common property line that carves 1012 Fleming apart from the yellow house viewed above. I then dug down inside the old shoebox and found a photo of 1012 Fleming Street taken back in 1965.
Today the building consists of five units that rent at modest rates as compared to other long term rentals I have seen in Key West. The current owner resides in one unit and rents the other four. The building is 2995 sq ft of living space divided among three floors. There is a small garden area at the rear that may have room for a dip pool or hot tub.
The movie CRISSCROSS was filmed in Key West in 1992. The Eden House, located across the street from 1012 Fleming Street, was the home to Goldie Hawn's character and her son. Many locations at the nearby Key West Seaport also played integral parts in the movie.
When Goldie exited the Eden House movie set her view would have been similar the photo below.  Other than painting and perhaps new shutters, the houses in this block look pretty much the same today as the did in 1992 and decades before that.


Locals and long time visitors to Key West may want to watch CrissCross as it shows how much the streetscape and the seaport have changed. First, the houses across the street appear in a couple of scenes but they look forlorn in the movie. They were not "dressed"to look forlorn, they were. Another scene showed the deplorable condition of sidewalks upheavaled by tree roots and decades of disrepair. The piers and boardwalk at the seaport had not been renovated. Today the seaport is more Disney than dreary. I watched the credits which state it was actually released in 1991 which suggests it was filmed in 1990. Invest two hours of your life to see a little piece of old Key West. 

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