Friday, February 18, 2022

True Tales of Key West Real Estate in the Times of Covid 19 - No. 15

Several years ago I was working with a married couple who seriously considered buying a prominent Conch House located on one the best blocks in Key West. While it was not the house pictured above, that is the style of the house which also had a guest cottage, large pool, elegant outdoor living area in the rear, and off street parking. The wife flew down to Key West to check the house out. She noticed something I had not considered - an office building located across the street.

A lot of buyers will not consider buying a house across from the cemetery or on a well traveled street. Some won't buy a house next to or even near a restaurant.The office building in question was well maintained and looked attractive from the street as far as I was concerned. The wife told me the house would be a no sale as far as they were concerned because the tenant was a Realtor. 

As it turned out the couple bought a large house on a busy street. It had a guest cottage, pool, parking and a restaurant as a nearby neighbor. That tells you something about the Realtor.

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